Friday, August 6, 2010

Extra Fortune Cookies and Aggressive Conditioning and Shark Knowledge and Suicidal Towels and Squee

So tonight we had chineefoo which is Katie code for chinese food. And I got a fortune which was all uselessy fortuney, of course. Cuz that's wut always happens. Here it is peoplez: THE BEST PROPHET OF THE FUTURE IS THE PAST. In CAPSLOCK and everything. And I was all, "*sarcastisquees* wtf you fortune people you could not think of anything better to tell mee that that? howabout something like "you will get your face snogged completely off by some hot guy who is an eccentric artist that models swimsuits on the side at the end of the month" or anything like that?" I believe it was safe to say that I was not happy. But then I actually squeed because I got the extra fortune cookie (yes i likea cookie) and I got to eat that and plus I got a new fortune WHICH READS: DISCOVER THE TALENTS WITHIN YOURSELF. I wonder what that means. I hope it doesn't mean that I should find out that I am good at juggling apples or something stupid like that. That would be absolutely cackiful.
So After dinner I went off and read sum books and did whatever it is nerdy lonely people do. After I had had enough of nerdy lonely emo solitude I went to go take a shower and spent waay too much time in there making princess leia buns with my shampoo-y hair and over conditioning. I aggressivley conditioned for some particular reason, so now I have softy smoothy hair that is all glimmery and this is a lie because it is still wet and I still do not know how it will turn out.
Now it is after I have taken my Star Wars themed shower and mah Dad has been impressing me with his great knowledge of sharks. Okay he does not really have a great knowledge of sharks but he knows of waay more kinds than I do. LEMME SEE HOW MANY I KNOW.

great whites
oceanic whitetips
those blacktip ones
lemonsharks (lemonade, sweet lemonade!)
mako sharks

And mkay that's all the sharks I know. As I am informing you of all this my towel has gone all suicidal and has decided to jump off my head. I was all pissy with it so I just dumped it back on to my head and so now I look like a nun from the church of St. Mary Bluetowel. Lol. By the way I am making this blawg all styleized whether you like it or not. HOW DO YAH LIKE MEH NOW, BIZNITCH? P.S. Mah new word is squee.

(I apologize for the absolute weirdness but I am a bit kerknackered today for reason unknown)

LUFF KAYTAY <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 lol excessive heartage

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Okay Amanda, You Know This One!

Do the ---- dance! I was surfing through the blogs today and realized something.

The only people who makes blogs are moms that are over-obsessed with their family, jesus freaks, and old couples who are retired so they have nothing to do but blog. This mad me angry (as I like to find a good blog to read), and I had to do the dance.

Everybody do the ---- dance!

(Also, I am thinking I should make this blog a little more stylish. Should I keep it like this or change it?)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

News That's Not Worth Reading!

Hey everybody! (Everybody meaning two people. That I know. Whee.) I'm making a second blog. It will be a fashion blog. But I probably wouldn't bother checking it out, it'll probably be crap. Here's the URL:

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How d'you do I, see you've met my, faithful handyman!

And now, typing live to you from (ADDRESS WITHELD), with freshly (and poorly) painted fingernails, it's Katie, the teenage alto!

Lately I've become obsessed with The Rocky Horror Picture Show, but can you blame me? It's a wonderful hodgepodge of great songs, cross-dressing, and a hunky, muscular Rocky. Plus it has Meatloaf in it! He makes anything about 50% cooler. And the Rocky-Janet love scene doesn't hurt either. This Saturday, I'm hoping to catch a ride to the Rocky Horror theater screening near me. But if I don't, that's okay, because it'll be back on the next month! Technically, I'm still a Rocky Horror virgin, even though I've seen it on DVD. It only counts if you've seen it in the theater. I'll have to email ahead to see if they might perform the virgin sacrifice on me! (That's a ritual they have for people who've never seen it in theaters before) They also have prop bags available so you can squirt your water pistol and throw your toast and snap your rubber gloves and not even have to bring it all yourself! I hope I get to go! I already made badges! (buttons)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Paul McCartney and Cancer

Is it wrong to wish for Cancer? Yeah. probably. Doesn't stop me from doing it, though. Apparently it's the only way you can get something you really want. See, if you have a disease or whatever, you get to make a wish.(Hence the name "The Make a Wish Foundation") You know what I would wish for? I bet you already know. You've seen my profile pic. And the title of this entry, for corn's sake. But I'll tell you anyway. I'd wish to go to a Paul McCartney concert that's coming to my town. I'd also like to go backstage and meet him and hang out with him for a while and get to know him better. (Even though I already know everything about him, psha) That would be freakin' awesome. You know I actually wrote a movie about that...never finished it...or you know something along the lines of that plotline. But anyway...if you know anybody with a contagious serious disease, you know where to find me!

Monday, June 7, 2010

My Life Sucks in a Non-Interesting, Non-Tragic Way

Well, at least it's finally summer for me. Unfortunately, summer brings boredom and nothing to do-ness. The most exciting thing I'll be doing all summer is going to Wisconsin, the cheese and fudge capital of the country. That seems like a good way to lose weight, doesn't it? I'm actually pretty happy about it, but it's no Carribean. Or England. Or Morocco.
Although, I am currently planning a party which is taking place on Saturday. MOST of the planning is going well, but not all. A very close friend WHOM I LOVE DEARLY AND I'M REALLY REALLY REALLY SORRY I UPSET YOU is not happy with me right now. No names. Sorry, friend! I wanted to spend some quality time with Maddy!!!! Well, all I have left to do is make a banner and get some streamers. Whoopee!
At least from Wednesday to Saturday I'm taking care of some really adorable puppies from next door! They're gonna sleep in my room! Yay!
And now to talk about today's goings on. I've got one thing to say.
I HATE Hollister.
I've had this Hollister gift card for about two years, and I just didn't have the heart to throw it away. I mean, why throw 40 bucks of your aunt's money away just because you're really not that interested in that store that much anymore? So today, I called to see if the card was still worth anything, and convinced my mom to drive me to the local shopping...area...thingy....and go to that store. That horrible, horrible store.
First of all, mom and I think that only anorexic, deaf vampires work there. It's so badly lit in there, I could hardly see what I was purchasing. Which is a really bad idea because there are mannequins and fake plants and displays and all kinds of crap to bump into while you're there. I tripped a couple of times. Secondly, the music they've got going on in there it LOUD. Mom and I had to SCREAM to actually hear each other over the "major tunage". I thought music in stores was supposed to be quiet and in the background to soothe you while you browse, not totally elevate your heart rate because you're shouting at your shopping companion! Am I right or am I right? Also, it REEKS of cologne in there. Like, so much, you may never smell quite right again. The "dress" that I bought from there still smells like it. AND, the people who designed those clothes for Hollister don't seem to believe it the size XL. There was and extra small, but not an extra large. And I thought I was an outcast already. Lastly, there is an attractive shirtless man everywhere you look. Which really confuses me. If you're going to sell clothes, why do you have people with basically no clothes on be your models? I mean, WHAT. THE. CRAP. And now, my sweet ducklings, that is the end of my Hollister rant. Ranking that store in stars, I only give them half a star. And that's only because I found a piece of clothing in vertical stripes. Thanks for all your effort toward the fat girls, Hollister. At least the vertical stripe top (It's supposed to be a dress, but for obvious reasons, I can't wear it that way.) makes my boobs look bigger.

And now I breathe a sigh of relief that I'm done typing all of that. That. Took. A while.

(P.S. I got two lip glosses at Hollister. Peach Sangria and Cake Batter. THOSE I'm happy with.)

Monday, May 17, 2010


Is it just me, or does the peace sign mean nothing anymore? At seemingly every photo opportunity, celebrities whip them out just to show off how "awesome" they are. It bugs the CRAP out of me. The peace sign should mean what it originally did, instead of just a symbol of coolness. It appears on everything from t-shirts to ugg boots and even baby blankets. It's sickening. You guys with me on this one?